Wednesday, 31 December 2008
I don't want to wait by Paula Cole
It was because of the teenage series Dawson's Creek that I found out about my role model Paula Cole. "I don't want to wait" did not only become the hymn of my favourite series, but soon also my obsession. I was covering that song and it was part of many gigs I have been doing in my early music "career". Still today, people call me up, saying: "Hey, I just listened to 'I don't want to wait' by Paula Cole on the radio and I could not help but think of you. So how are you doing?"
The song is best known as the opening theme of the teenage series Dawsons’s Creek. Thanks to this the second release of the Album This Fire became a #11 pop hit single in 1997.
The text is a homage to carpe diem. The message is to live in the present and not in the past. You should not look back as life is too short to live in the past and think about every step you take.
"I don't want to wait" starts with the singer’s appeal to “open up your morning light and say a little prayer” for her. The use of piano chords makes the beginning very gentle.
The mood of the song then changes, when the drums start to play a forward pushing rhythm. Paula Cole paints a picture of a woman in 1944, waiting for her husband to come home from the front. She is using a monotonous melody to keep the verse in a story-telling style.
This then leads to the chorus that has a carpe diem theme: “I don’t want to wait, for our lives to be over.” To emphasize the change, the singer uses her head-voice, which shows more emotions than the verse.
The second verse is coming back to the illustration, telling the listener what happens when people wait: The man has returned from war – as a grandfather- , but the war still lives inside him, which makes it so hard “to be gentle and warm”. The chorus starts off again, telling you that you are better off not waiting.
Suddenly the mood changes completely and the use of blue notes portrays anger. That is typical of Paula Cole, as she is not afraid to sing “badly” to show her emotions. Paula Cole’s music is sometimes not nice and gentle, but hard and ugly, because her music always goes with the lyrics.
Her music is often not easy to listen to. Especially her newest album is more jazzy and a bit twisted. This makes her work really arty, which is probably why that artist is only known as the woman who wrote the Dawson's creek theme.
"I don't want to wait" is an exception. Apart from the few blue notes and the anger in the middle of the song, the melody is simple and it is easy to listen to. The art here lies more in the lyrics and the structure of the song. It might be one of Paula's easiest songs, but the structure is brilliantly thought-out.
The music video is sophisticated as well. It features Paula Cole as the story-teller in the beginning and then continues showing her in different times with different men. All men die. Pictured as an immortal creature, the protagonist has enough authority to give the advise to seize the day to their listeners as she has lost so many loved ones. She experienced that everthing has to come to an end and knows about the importance to live a life, instead of thinking about it.
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
Buskers: Breakfast for dog-eat-dog society

Society is looking down on buskers. The stereotype is that they are unemployed, beggars or homeless. Some people refuse to give them money as they think the buskers will spend it on drugs. Other people heckle them or steal their money.
The Independent’s journalist Robert Hanks put it this way: “Traditionally, busking has been the province of toothless old men with penny-whistles and annoying students trying to sound like Bob Dylan and succeeding all too well.”
Other people complain about the noise, saying it is distracting them from their work in the office. Authorities are mad at buskers because they think the music will be even heard in nearby houses and churches. I am occasionally busking in my home town Cottbus in Germany and I have to face all these prejudices. Some people even go one step further saying that I should not beg for money since my mother is driving a BMW and my father a Mercedes.
Buskers put passers-by in the good mood and encourage them to forget about their busy and miserable lives for a few minutes. What they might get back is much more valuable than money. They get back feedback, a smile and the knowledge that they made someone feel good for a short while. I feel sorry for those people who have prejudices against busking and complain about the noise. They obviously lack the ability to switch off their grumpiness. They are just miserable.
People in England seem to appreciate the art of busking much more. A BBC audio shows people’s views on busking. Passers-by say busking would “brighten up the place”, “work for tourists” and “get a nice atmosphere”, as long as it is not “too much in-your-face”.
In England buskers have to go to an audition to be allowed to busk on the underground or on the street. The quality of busking music is therefore much better than the one you can hear in Germany as everyone is allowed to busk everywhere for up to 30 minutes. That is probably why Britons appreciate this art more.
Even though the public opinion about buskers is slightly more positive in England, it doesn’t mean buskers have more importance in their lives. Tim Rutherford Johnson said in his post "Busking Bell" his blog "Rambler":
“Whenever I’m on the Underground, it’s usually because I have to be somewhere, by a certain time. That’s what I’m doing: buskers are great, and I often enjoy them, but it would take a hell of a lot more than Joshua Bell playing Bach to make me break my appointment and stop and listen for any length of time.”
But why is that so? People in England as well as Germany live in a dog-eat-dog society where everyone just minds their own business. They are staying in the office for more than twelve hours, have shorter breaks and much more work to do. Everything is getting more expensive and people just have too much to worry about: They want to please everyone, keep their jobs and own expensive cars. But what is the point in having an expensive car when you do not have time to travel? What is the point in losing yourself by trying to keep your job? What is the point pleasing everyone but yourself?
We all have to be nicer with each other. A simple smile can enhance the whole day. One minute of relaxation can improve your life. One nice word to someone else can not only make them but also you feel better.
The reason why Tom Jones attracted such a huge crowd is that those people wanted to show off by telling people they had listened to a celebrity. If he had played the same songs without being famous, they clearly wouldn’t have bothered.
Sunday, 7 December 2008
Today's Society is Suicide

During the three days I spent in bed due to fever, a horrible headache and tonsilitis I was more worried about not being able to do my group blog assignment for university, screwing a presentation next Tuesday and not getting done with an essay a week before the deadline than thinking about my health. I couldn't help but wonder: Why are we always busy thinking about success when, at the end of the day, staying alive is the real success.
I only went to the doctor to get a paper for uni that says that I am ill. I'm glad I went as the doctor said I need antibiotics. Tonsilitis without a treatment with antibiotics can be dangerous for the heart. And I only thought about the stupid paper for uni.
I told my friend I could not come in to uni because of tonsilitis. She laughed at me saying, I clearly could come to uni with tonsilitis as her brother went to school for his GCSE exam with bronchitus. But, what's a GCSE worth when you are dead?
So many people go to work ill...or half dead. They work for twelve hours, get bullied and feel worse the next morning. Then they take a pill and go to work again.
Seriously, we HAVE to treat our bodies better.
I might sound like a hypocrit to some people. Here in England people call me the "beer lady" as I loved to drink two or three beers every day. I smoked for seven years and my eating behaviour was not that of a role model as well. Did you notice the tense?
I had to go through a lot to learn how horrible I am treating my body. At the beginning of this year, I had circulation problems daily, a mysterious stomach pain that no one could explain and on top of that I could not leave the house alone anymore. I was just a mess. I went to doctors nearly every day, but all they did was doing tests. Just when I started considering to take a year off from university, I had an encounter with a man who is into chinese medicine.
This chinese non-medical practitioner was able to cure me from my stomach pain and my circulation problems. He stopped drinking (at least on a daily basis) and I quit smoking. I changed my whole eating behaviour, which is not easy here in England where the food is just bad and people do not even know what spelt is. (I have to get all my health food and my tea from Germany, which is just ridiculous). Moreover, most of my problems are the result of my ongoing worries about being perfect. I always want to be the best, want to get the highest marks and feel depressed when I make mistakes. I did not realized how I damage my body with that.
Friends of mine sometimes do not eat for one day. They smoke, they drink, they take all kinds of drugs. They go out partying even though they are ill. They work all night, all weekends, because they want to earn as much money as possible and get the highest marks. One of my friends died three years ago, because he did not bother to take his antibiotics properly. He did not take his illness seriously, and made the worst mistake of his life.
Unfortunately society is like that. It is hard to relax and just listen to your body. You will be left behind by competitive society. Your rivals never rest.
When I was lying in bed on Thursday morning with fever, I thought I had made a mistake not going to university and pitching my idea for the group blog. Now I am convinced that I made the right decision. The body we have is something precious. It is the shell of our mind and we'd better not mess up with it as life can be over just like that.
Friday, 5 December 2008
GESICHT ZEIGEN Festival blieb Gesichtslos

photo from flickr
„Mehr Bildung für Faschisten,“ steht auf einem Aufkleber an einer Toilettentür der Mädchen auf dem Campus-Gelände der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität in Cottbus, auf dem das diesjährige Sommerfest unter dem Motto: „Gesicht zeigen – Laut gegen Nazis“ am 28. 06. statt fand.
Einige wenige trugen T-Shirts mit der Aufschrift: „Ich bin laut - gegen Nazis“, aber diese fielen gar nicht auf, in der Masse von Fan-Shirts der Ärzte, Mia und den Wir sind Helden. Letztere waren das i-Tüpfelchen der Veranstaltung, unterstützt von K.I.Z., Boundzound und der regionalen Band Garp. Das Festival sollte ein Statement abgeben, eine Meinung gegen Gewalt und Rassismus.
Namensgeber des Events war der Verein Gesicht zeigen! Aktion weltoffenes Deutschland e.V., der gegen Rassismus und für Toleranz kämpft. Prominente wie Henry Maske und Günter Jauch sind Mitglieder dieses Vereins. Die Geschäftsführerin Rebecca Weis (45) erklärt: „Gerade im Sommer 2000 gab es viele rechtsradikale Übergriffe. Das erinnerte sehr an das organisierte Verbrechen.“
Nationalsozialistische Parteien erhalten immer mehr Macht und neuen Zulauf. Auch in Brandenburg lassen die Kommunalwahlen nicht mehr lange auf sich warten, und somit auch die Chance der Rechten, in die kommunalen Parlamente zu gelangen und sich somit eine Basis für die Landtagswahlen 2009 aufzubauen. In Cottbus ist es schon zu zahlreichen Übergriffen von Neonazis auf ausländische oder anders denkende Studenten der BTU Cottbus gekommen. Aus diesem Anlass wurde die Festival-Idee ins Leben gerufen, um sowohl der NPD als auch den kleinen, gewalttätigen Nazis auf der Straße zu zeigen, dass viele Menschen nicht mit rechter Gewalt und den neuen Ideen des Nationalsozialismus einverstanden sind.
Erwartet wurden mehr als 3000 Menschen, doch diese Rechnung ging nicht auf. Nicht einmal 1000 Besucher zeigten an diesem Samstag ihr Gesicht. Woran lag es?
Franziska Schmidt (20) hat eine Freikarte bekommen und war eigentlich nur wegen der Musik da. „Es ist einfach zu teuer,“ sagte sie. Sie meint, der Preis von 20 Euro an der Vorverkaufskasse habe wahrscheinlich alle abgeschreckt. Dafür, dass diese Veranstaltung von Studenten für Studenten organisiert wurde, waren relativ wenige davon anzutreffen. Franziska selbst konnte nur einige ausmachen. „Studenten haben eben kein Geld,“ versucht sie das Wegbleiben der Studierenden zu erklären.
Während sich auf dem Campus nur wenige Lausitzer aufhielten, und Garp vor ca. 50 Menschen spielen durften oder mussten, versammelten sich andere hinter der Absperrung, in der Hoffnung, etwas hören oder sogar sehen zu können. Eine 20-jährige Studentin, die anonym bleiben möchte, stand ganz traurig hinter der Absperrung. „Ich habe kein Geld. Ich dachte, wenn schon mal was gegen Rassismus veranstaltet wird, sollte man auch hingehen, aber 25 Euro an der Abendkasse sind echt zu viel,“ beschwert sie sich. „Das ist schon eine Frechheit, gerade in so einer Nazi-Stadt wie Cottbus.“
Paul Schäpe (21), ein Student, der sich die Karte leisten konnte, ist trotzdem enttäuscht. „Prinzipiell ist diese Veranstaltung eine gute Idee, aber bis jetzt habe ich gegen Rechts nur den Stand hinter mir mitbekommen,“ kommentiert er. Der Stand hinter Paul machte Werbung für die Kampagne „Laut Gegen Nazis“ unter die das Festival lief. Diese Kampagne zeigt auf solchen Veranstaltungen immer wieder Präsenz und kämpft mit medialer Kraft gegen Rechts. Björn Minge, Mitglied der Kampagne, meint, Festivals wie das GESICHT ZEIGEN seien „wichtig, um junge Leute dazu zu bringen, über das Thema nachzudenken.“
Schon vorab gab es scharfe Kritik. Überraschenderweise fielen Verbal-Attacken der Nazis aus. Dafür gab es umso mehr Anfeindungen von Linken und Demokraten, die meinten, das Festival sei inhaltlich zu schwach, eine reine Musikveranstaltung eben.
Das Problem war die fehlende Unterstützung vom Studienrat, der dieses Event als „sinnlos“ bezeichnet hätte, sowohl Studenten als auch Stiftungen und Organisationen. Große Organisationen wollten mit dieser Veranstaltung einfach nichts zu tun haben, weil diese gegen Rassismus war. Begründung: Eine Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts dürfe nicht politisch sein. So konnte nur auf viele Besucher gehofft werden, die bereit waren ihr Gesicht zu zeigen und ihr Portemonnaie zu leeren.
Die Veranstalter selbst gingen dabei aber mit schlechtem Beispiel voran. Diese wollten weder gefilmt, noch mit Namen genannt werden, aus Angst vor rechtsradikalen Übergriffen.
Saskia Löbner (21) versteht die Welt nicht mehr. Sie war schon 2006 bei einem BTU Campus Festival. Damals haben Juli gespielt und es war „rappenvoll“. Dies lief allerdings nicht unter dem Namen: Gesicht zeigen gegen Gewalt und Rassismus.
„So eine Veranstaltung mit diesem Statement sollte öffentlich, und für alle zugänglich sein,“ sagte Saskia.
Selbst die Band Wir Sind Helden war sichtlich enttäuscht von der kleinen Menschenmasse. Engagiert animierten sie Publikumsrufe wie „Gegen Rechts, Gegen Rechts“ und beim nächsten Mal mehr Leute mitzubringen. Judith Holofernes, Sängerin der Band, sagte: „Wir könnten den Platz noch füllen. Ihr müsst nur schnell genug hin- und herlaufen.“
Lag es nun an der fehlenden Organisation? An der Idee? An der Angst der Besucher, Gesicht zu zeigen? In Cottbus wohnen vielleicht ein paar Nazis zu viel, aber dafür sind auch die Anti-Rassisten nicht wenige. Neben der Antifa, der linken Szene und den Punkern im Park gibt es noch viele andere, aus allen Altersklassen, die gegen Rechts sind. Vielleicht sollte man beim nächsten Mal einfach realistischer sein und nicht so bekannte Bands einladen, die man eh nicht bezahlen kann. Um den Eintrittspreis so gering wie möglich zu halten, müssen eben regionale, kleine Bands her. Dann steigen auch die Besucherzahlen und somit die Gesichter, die gegen Rechts gezeigt werden.